Prof.YUAN Sanling




Professor in  Mathematics


Academic career

1985-1989        Henan University Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics

1996-1999        Xi’an Jiaotong University Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics

1999-2002       Xi’an Jiaotong University Ph.D in Applied Mathematics

2002-2004       Shanghai Jiaotong University Post doctor


 2004-2006       University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Lecturer

2006-2011       University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Associate Professor

2011-              University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Professor


Research and development projects over the last 5 years


  • Study on the Reaction Kinetic Models of Recombinant Plasmid DNA Cell Culture. Period: 2009-2011. Partner: National Natural Science Foundation of China(Government's project)
  • Asymptotical Behaviors of the Reaction Kinetic Models of Recombinant Plasmid DNA Cell Culture. Period: 2009-2011. Partner: Educational Committee Innovative Foundation of Shanghai(Government's project)
  • Study on the Nonlinear Epidemical Dynamical Models. Period: 2005-2007. Partner: Educational Committee Natural Foundation of Shanghai(Government's project)


Important publications


  • Oscillations in a Plasmid Turbidostat Model with Delayed Feedback Control. Discrete Contin. Dynam. Systems-B, Vol.15, pp. 809-914 (2011)
  • Bifurcation Analysis of a Model of Plasmid-bearing, Plasmid-free Competition in a Pulsed Chemostat with an Internal Inhibitor. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.76, pp. 277-297 (2011)
  • Stability and Direction of Hopf Bifurcations in a Pair of Identical Tri-neuron Network Loops. Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol.61, pp. 569-578 (2010)
  • Stability and Global Hopf Bifurcation in a Delayed Predator-prey System. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol.11, pp.959-977 (2010)
  • LS Method and Qualitative Analysis of Traveling Wave Solutions of Fisher Equation. Acta Physica Sinica, Vol.52, Issue 2, pp.744-749(2010)
  • Competition between Plasmid-bearing and Plasmid-free Organisms in a Chemostat with Pulsed Input and Washout. Mathematical Problems in Engneeing, Article ID 204632, 17 pages, doi: 10.1155/2009/204632(2009)
  • Global Asymptotic Behavior in Chemostat-type Competition Models with Delay. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol.10, pp.1305-1320(2009)
  • Stability and Hopf Bifurcations in a Delayed Leslie-Gower Predator-prey System. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.355, pp.82-100(2009)
  • Bifurcation and Stability Analysis for a Delayed Leslie-Gower predator-prey System. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.74, pp.574-603(2009)
  • Global Dynamics of an Epidemic Model with a Ratio-dependent Nonlinear Incidence Rate. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Article ID 609306, 13 pages doi: 10.1155/2009/609306 (2009)
  • Competition between Two Microorganisms in the Chemostat with General Variable Yields and General Growth Rates.International Journal of Biomathematics, Vol.1, Issue 4, pp.463-474(2008)
  • Competition between Plasmid-bearing and Plasmid-free Organisms in a Chemostat with Nutrient Recycling and an Inhibitor. Mathmatical Biosciences, Vol.202, pp.1-28(2006)
  • Global Stability on an SIS Epidemic Model with Time Delays. Acta Mathematica Scientia, Vol.25A, Issue 3, pp.349-356(2005)
  • Bifurcation Analysis of a Chemostat Model with Two Distributed Delays. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol.20, pp.995-1004(2004)
  • Direction and Stability of Bifurcating Periodic Solutions of a Chemostat Model with Two Distributed Delays. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol.21, pp.1109-1123(2004)
  • Competition in the Chemostat: Convergence of a Model with Delayed Response in Growth. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol.17, pp.659-667(2003)
  • Persistence and Periodic Solution on a Non-autonomous SIS Model with Delays. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, Vol.19, pp.1-10 (2003)
  • Analysis of an SIS Epidemic Model with Variable Population Size and a Delay. Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser.B, Vol.18, pp.9-16(2003)
  • Study on an SIS Epidemic Model with Time Variant Delay. System Science and complexity, Vol.15, pp.299-306(2002)
  • Global Stability and Hopf Bifurcation of an SIS Epidemic Model with Time Delays. System Science and complexity, Vol.14, pp.327-336(2001)



Activity in professional associations within the last five years